Is there any on the spare carbs you just picked up?Starting to do the rebuild today
Just noticed the rebuild kit I got doesn’t have a plug for the slow speed jets…
Anyone have any ideas?
Is there any on the spare carbs you just picked up?Starting to do the rebuild today
Just noticed the rebuild kit I got doesn’t have a plug for the slow speed jets…
Anyone have any ideas?
“Weiner”Looking good. Even the Wiener Dog looks impressed.
While you are there HAND polish vacuum piston sides, bore and cap (inside). This will really improve your throttle response.Ultrasonic seemed to have done a good job getting some of the varnish off
Blasted all the air circuits with cleaner and polished the float seats
Didn’t have time to piece everything back together today, but it’s getting close now
I could be wrong, but I don’t think they’re adjustable on this model of carbsThey look great! Do you know if the float height is set correctly? Would be good to know that before connecting them to each other.
I gave them a light hit with some scotch bright to make sure they were moving freelyWhile you are there HAND polish vacuum piston sides, bore and cap (inside). This will really improve your throttle response.
For your missing rubber plugs go to Amazon like Brett said, they have variety pack of silicon plugs, I would test their resistance to the gas first before putting them in!!!
Did you put new throttle cables and a choke cable on it or are you still trying to take shortcuts? Put the airbox on. Get the hose clamps off it and put the proper clamps on. Why do I get the feeling we are all wasting our time with you?Alright I’m back!
Just so happened the 900s carbs had usable slow speed jet plugs, so that’s a bonus.
I got the 750s carbs fully assembled today, they’re looking damn good too if you ask me.
I stole the rail off the 900 set too and cleaned it up.
Now, I know everyone is going to have the shits with me for this next part…
Rather than use the airbox, I got some bigger jets when I did the rebuild.
I swapped the slow speed jet for a 45.
The main for a 115 and the secondary main for a 75.
Now with all this in mind, see the video.