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    • B
      Have it on mt 82 750F, love it. I raced bikes and learned to ALWAYS wear ear plugs so not loud for me at all, love the sound.
    • B
      Adjust all the valves to to .005, buy / borrow different (good working) compression gauge and do the test, go from there.
    • B
      Bo82CB replied to the thread Lapping valves.
      True, removing coating you would expose softer metal thus speed up wear and failure. Proper repair is replace the valves. What is wrong...
    • B
      Bo82CB replied to the thread Hanging throttle/high idle.
      I can tell you from personal experience that polishing caps and pistons will IMPROVE your throttle response and carb operation. I do...
    • B
      Bo82CB replied to the thread Hanging throttle/high idle.
      Cap and piston are aluminium parts with no lubrication in normal operating conditions. You spraying silicone may give you results you...
    • B
      Bo82CB replied to the thread First engine rebuild.
    • B
      Good job! You have beautiful bike there, now it is time to enjoy it. I must add few more things which help me with top running bike...
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