So I finally, for the second time, reassembled the jugs, cylinder head/valve train, and valve cover. The first time I reassembled it I caught myself after I put on the cylinder head/valves back on that I forgot the front cam chain guide that goes down to the crank. So I took it ALL APART, got the chain guide in, and now I’ve reassembled everything including the valve cover. When I did all that, I also injected 10w40 oil into the cam reservoirs like they say to do when you reassemble the engine so there’s oil in the top end by the cams when you first start the engine again.
Recently I’ve been knocking out the electrical (which is always a pain in the ass) I’ve almost finished the new wiring loom for the new electronic ignition and PMA system.
As I’m walking through my shop today, I see the rebuild gasket kit I have and see these big o-rings sitting there. Yup, you guessed it, after fighting with the pistons and rings getting them into the cylinders right, and taking the top end apart twice, I REALIZED I NEVER PUT IN THOSE STUPID O-RINGS THAT GO ON THE BOTTOM OF THE JUGS!!
These ones…..
Now I always use copper coat on all my gaskets on both sides which leaves a tacky film that seals the gaskets to the mating surfaces.
My question is, I know some of these models didn’t have those cylinder o-rings (I think they didn’t anyways?) and I’m absolutely DREADING tearing this engine down for a third time because I fucked up again to put in these o-rings. Considering I used copper coat on all my gaskets, are the O-rings really necessary??? I mean, the jugs are sealed to the crankcase with the main gasket and copper coat so what is the chances I can leave these o-rings off?
I’m so pissed off right now I could punch a baby…in the throat. I’m just irritated I fucked up again and this engine rebuild has given me nothing but problems and I really don’t want to remove the pistons from the jugs again but, if I have to, I’ll grit my fucking teeth and do it I guess. I just can’t believe I forgot those o-rings considering I worked hard on getting the old ones out and prepped the jugs so they were ready for the new ones.
Please, someone help. Thanks in advance.
Recently I’ve been knocking out the electrical (which is always a pain in the ass) I’ve almost finished the new wiring loom for the new electronic ignition and PMA system.
As I’m walking through my shop today, I see the rebuild gasket kit I have and see these big o-rings sitting there. Yup, you guessed it, after fighting with the pistons and rings getting them into the cylinders right, and taking the top end apart twice, I REALIZED I NEVER PUT IN THOSE STUPID O-RINGS THAT GO ON THE BOTTOM OF THE JUGS!!

These ones…..
Now I always use copper coat on all my gaskets on both sides which leaves a tacky film that seals the gaskets to the mating surfaces.
My question is, I know some of these models didn’t have those cylinder o-rings (I think they didn’t anyways?) and I’m absolutely DREADING tearing this engine down for a third time because I fucked up again to put in these o-rings. Considering I used copper coat on all my gaskets, are the O-rings really necessary??? I mean, the jugs are sealed to the crankcase with the main gasket and copper coat so what is the chances I can leave these o-rings off?
I’m so pissed off right now I could punch a baby…in the throat. I’m just irritated I fucked up again and this engine rebuild has given me nothing but problems and I really don’t want to remove the pistons from the jugs again but, if I have to, I’ll grit my fucking teeth and do it I guess. I just can’t believe I forgot those o-rings considering I worked hard on getting the old ones out and prepped the jugs so they were ready for the new ones.
Please, someone help. Thanks in advance.