just picked up a '74 CB 750 four and need some help getting started on restoring her


CB750 New member
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North Chicago
Hey guys,

I'm new here and pretty new to working on bikes. I'm still in high school and this is my first project of this caliber. As the title says I just got a '74 CB 750 that is in just OK condition. It runs alright I suppose but has struggle idling. And also the electric start button is missing so I need to use a pin to turn it on. All I have done so far is put a new battery in it. It'd be awesome if you guys could help me out and give me some direction as to where to take this bike. My end game is sort of a Brat style but before I start styling it, what can I do to make it safer and run better?

Thank you so much!
Welcome to the forum, have fun with it and be safe. Make it whatever you want, I always say there are no rules to custom bike building as long as its safe to ride.
A complete redo of an old bike is a big project, often people start with great enthusiasm, tear it all apart then about the time it is spread all over the work area, become overwhelmed by the extent of the mess and begin to doubt their ability to finish it. My personal rules are --one project at a time, try to do a little everyday, remember the process is where much of the fun is, don't get too anxious to finish, take pleasure in every little part that is cleaned up and ready to go back together.

Maybe since you haven't done too much of this kind of thing before, you might want to concentrate on fixing the things that need fixing before you tear it all apart.

Good luck and have fun.