Inside head black paint peeling


CB750 Addict
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Hey guys.
I had stubborn valve cover gasket that would leak until engine came to operating temp than it would seal up. Amount wasn't bad but it was enough to bother me. I decided while I am taking the cover off may as well check my valve clearance and while doing that I noticed black paint inside of the head missing at few spots...
After all was done I decided to change engine oil and guess what I found in the oil!? Did any of you experience this, my main concern is that paint clogging oil pickup screen and killing my engine!?
People who experienced this what was your course of action to protect these old engines from this potentially disastrous situation?


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There shouldn't be any paint inside of your engine, in other words, the inside of your engine is not painted. What you are seeing is carbon that got past the rings and into the oil. Also part of that black is probably some residue from the cam chain guide. NORMAL stuff to find and generally not a problem. You don't need special oil for this, just change the oil. Concerning the pickup screen.........not a bad idea to check or clean it after high milage, but no need to get anal about that.
My engine is black and with certainty I can tell you head is painted black on inside not sure about rest of the engine.
I should have taken pictures when valve cover was off...


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Like Mrtwowheel said, there should be no paint on the inside. If there is it must have been done by a previous owner. Not sure why someone would do that but anything is possible. The downside is, it will keep flaking off. The only way to fix it would be to pull the head, but you probably don't want to do that. Can you show us a picture of what you are seeing?
I wish I took pictures when valve cover was off... basically whole head inside is finished in black color with few spots showing raw aluminum where paint flaked off. As you said disassembly of the head to remove paint is out of question, motor has 16k miles and running like charm, no need to mess with that. To keep an eye on this, I will use bore scope through oil drain hole if possible to inspect oil pickup screen and if I see something take pan off and clean screen, if not keep on keeping on!
Very odd. Is the valve cover painted? Like someone painted the engine but didn't want the valve cover painted so they removed the valve cover and spray bombed away? Is there paint on other parts around the engine done by the no mask spray bomber?
Lol, I am not trying to convince you about anything but maybe eye doctor appointment is in your close future.
Here is few pictures of head not painted inside, not painted but oxidized and painted head on inside (not exact chronological order but you get the point)


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