CB750 New member
Hi Gurus,
Honda CBX 750 1984 it's simular to a nighthawk.
I've had it apart for painting and upgrading a few parts.
The motor has stayed intact. I've put it back together and now cannot turn the starter motor.
I've Tried different batteries Ive tried different starter motors. I've tried getting really angry and shouting at it.
The engine is in neutral and I can turn the rear wheel with my hands.
Side note: There is tension on the starter motor when I'm bolting it in place. like there is not enough space for the main shaft. There is a 3-4mm gap and it doesn't slide all the way on without the force of the mounting bolts. I'm not really familiar with the starter clutch and its workings. Maybe that's where I'm heading.
Honda CBX 750 1984 it's simular to a nighthawk.
I've had it apart for painting and upgrading a few parts.
The motor has stayed intact. I've put it back together and now cannot turn the starter motor.
I've Tried different batteries Ive tried different starter motors. I've tried getting really angry and shouting at it.
The engine is in neutral and I can turn the rear wheel with my hands.
- I'm testing by connecting active Batt+ to the starter terminal and Batt- directly to the frame and casing of the starter motor. I get sparks and the battery voltage drops from 13V to 7V. so lots of current.
- I Can turn the engine manually by turning the pulse generator bolt so nothing feels stuck.
- I haven't put any oil in her yet maybe a few squirts in the head might loosen her up a bit ?
- It was working before I dismantled it.
- I had the engine on its side a few times.
- Hydraulic clutch has not been fitted yet
- Both starter motors bench test fine
- Both pulse generator and alternator spin manually
- both neutral and clutch switches are disconnected electrically (is this possibly causing a short to GND) but if Im connecting direct to starter motor I should be bypasing this ?
Side note: There is tension on the starter motor when I'm bolting it in place. like there is not enough space for the main shaft. There is a 3-4mm gap and it doesn't slide all the way on without the force of the mounting bolts. I'm not really familiar with the starter clutch and its workings. Maybe that's where I'm heading.