CB750 Member
I have bench tested the coils , both are in a good ohms rating with caps , I have 12 v going to them with stop switch in run position , points and condensers were all working day before, ran great, parked the bike and next night went to crank it , it sputtered and ran like crap , now has pretty much lost spark on all plugs , gap is set and clean on points , I went ahead and ordered new points and condensers anyway since I wanted to completely rule that out but just crazy how after sitting it did this . I wire wheeled where the coil bracket touches frame but I'm gonna do it again and make sure I got bright metal frame touching the coil bracket so coils have good ground, I have a newer battery showing over 12V with a small 2 amp jump box plugged to it to keep it charged while starting it and so forth, please guys I need help , I have a good bit of experience but not a master like I'm sure some of you guys are. Please help me , just had told customer that bike was running great and went out to do a maintenance crank and ran like doo doo.