
  1. loxley007

    Custom seat

    Hi all, I heading towards the end of my first ever build (cafe racer from a 79 750 Limited Edition). It’s been a huge learning curve as I had zero mechanical skills/experience/tools a year ago. Anyway, my fantastic wife has just made a custom seat for the bike. We bought a £20 eBay leather...
  2. B

    Can anyone help identify this seat.

    Can anyone help identify this seat. I am in process of rebuilding a 74 b750 and thought I was buying the correct seat. It was not. So I'd like to know what this seat does fit originally. It has two bolts in front and four bolts in the rear (two on each side). I know the 74 takes a swing latch...
  3. U

    Solo springer on a stock frame?

    Hi all! My first post here. I am getting my first bike in March. A '74 cb750. And what I want to know is how possible is it to put a solo springer seat on the bike without mucking around with the frame. Possible? Thank you!