1981 Shop manual CB750

You are welcome. Let me know when you have transfered it to your computer so I can cancel the link on Dropbox.
I printed it as it was easier that referring back to a computer all the time.
Jumping in on an old thread. Could I be cheeky and ask for the manual via Dropbox
I missed the boat on this one. Could it be possible to upload the 81 shop manual to Dropbox again? I will name my first born male child after you, Although close to 70 now so not likely to happen. Just trying to get my old bike going. Thanks
You are welcome. Let me know when you have transfered it to your computer so I can cancel the link on Dropbox.
I printed it as it was easier that referring back to a computer all the time.
Mycrew, recently moved from PA to Florida. Cannot find my manual for my ‘81 CB750 Custom. Can I jump in and get a copy also, please. It would be greatly appreciated.