CB750 Member
hello all, I have a 1981 Honda CB750C, and I got a starter and tried to get it going and I figured I'd try a compression test, I have no oil in the cylinders at this point, in order it wend 35psi,35psi,50psi,5psi, and I knew it sounded off and it was, I'm not sure what to do, and the piston looks as I would call burnt in a spot or discolored. i put oil in the one with 5psi and it went to 35, so I'm guessing that means rings? I would like to hop this engine up a bit also, I would like a performance carb, I already partway messed up the original ones, and I don't know if I bore it a bit or just hone it, but from what I see the cylinders look as good as could be, it needs rings and a hone at least. so what should I do, and I also want to put pod filters on, or do I get carbs that come with pods and are jetted for them, sorry for all the rambling on