Help with Paint!


CB750 New member
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Lincolnshire UK
I'm restoring a 1981 CB750C (custom). I want to put it back to the original colors of Metallic Blue on Candy Universal Blue but the paint codes for these old colors are no longer relevant. There are plenty of pictures on the internet of this bike in these colors so I am hoping that there is someone out there who either owns or has already done the same restoration as I am looking to do who can help with modern paint codes that match the old colors. I don't have any of the old paint work on my bike to take a match from.
Any help or ideas would be much appreciated, thanks.
I see you are in the uk. You are in luck try RS bike paint in the uk. They will fix you up. I have used them before with great results. I live in the U.S. shipping is expensive to me but will be reasonable for you .
Thanks for your response. I have tried RS Paints but unfortunately they don't have the blue on blue paint for this bike on their system. I have sent the tank and side panels out to a classic bike paint shop not too far from me and they are going to get a match from the available photo's online. Thanks again for your thoughts.