Luis Etchenique
'79 CB750F Super Sport
In converting this bike into a race-replica, I had to reconfigure the electrical harness, build a junction box under the seat, shorten some of the control wires ... and now I am confronted with the fuse box.
I have deleted the turn signals, and I have built a new dashboard which includes the tach light, and the oil / neutral / hi-beam indicator pilot lights.
So my question is: do I need the fuse box ? doesn't the single fuse located on the starter coil protect my electric system already ? Of course, an alternative is to relocate the existing fuse box to underneath the tank, or somewhere else not visible -- but I would love it if I could just get rid of it.
Thank you as always !
-- Luis
I have deleted the turn signals, and I have built a new dashboard which includes the tach light, and the oil / neutral / hi-beam indicator pilot lights.
So my question is: do I need the fuse box ? doesn't the single fuse located on the starter coil protect my electric system already ? Of course, an alternative is to relocate the existing fuse box to underneath the tank, or somewhere else not visible -- but I would love it if I could just get rid of it.
Thank you as always !
-- Luis