Hello good folks.
I've been lurking around here for quite some time and I sincerly thank everybody helping around here. I got alot of information from here in my ninja-esque way of foruming. I'm not much help, so forgive me for not engaging earlier.
Now I have a question I can't find the answer for. My searching skills are next to horrible and if the topic has been discussed (which it probably has) before, I do appreciate a finger in the right direction.
So to my question; I have a CB750k -80 (rc01) that I'm rebuilding consantly and I have CB750F -82 (rc04) that I'm testing ideas on and taking some parts from. I was wondering if I can take the swing arm, pivot bolt (same?), suspension, rear wheel, disc brake and all from the F and just put it on my K? That would get me a wider rim (I have a z800 fork and wheel to put on in the front so every inch of extra rear rim width is very wellcome), disc brake conversion, more adjustable rear suspension.
Is this an easy swap or is it more to it?
Again thanks and sorry if the answer is allready out there!
I've been lurking around here for quite some time and I sincerly thank everybody helping around here. I got alot of information from here in my ninja-esque way of foruming. I'm not much help, so forgive me for not engaging earlier.
Now I have a question I can't find the answer for. My searching skills are next to horrible and if the topic has been discussed (which it probably has) before, I do appreciate a finger in the right direction.
So to my question; I have a CB750k -80 (rc01) that I'm rebuilding consantly and I have CB750F -82 (rc04) that I'm testing ideas on and taking some parts from. I was wondering if I can take the swing arm, pivot bolt (same?), suspension, rear wheel, disc brake and all from the F and just put it on my K? That would get me a wider rim (I have a z800 fork and wheel to put on in the front so every inch of extra rear rim width is very wellcome), disc brake conversion, more adjustable rear suspension.
Is this an easy swap or is it more to it?
Again thanks and sorry if the answer is allready out there!