Agree entirely with "SenseAmidMadness",. I've just had a similar problem with the carbs, you're lucky its Carb 4 as its the easiest to get to as its on the outside with the most clearance, so you should be able to get it off while the carbs are still on the bike, hopefully you have put cap head allen key bolts on the bowls
If its an 81' then it should have the plastic non-adjustable floats, so that helps. It will either be:
1/ A compromised float, which you can test by submerging in water to make sure its not taking in fuel and weighing it down
2/ Cracked overflow - again fill the bowl and just apply a few PSI of air back through the overflow covering the top to see if it bubbles, you can solder any crack.
3/ Sticky needle, I presume you changed the needles when you rebuilt, so that should be OK
4/ In my case, the press fit valve bush was just too low, it was catching the top of the float tang as the fuel raised the float, so it wasn't quite sealing the needle, , I just careful took a bit of the end of the float tang, so that when it cantered up with the fuel it was visibly clear of the bush and sealed well. The needles sometimes vary in length, and there may not be the clearance if they are just a little shorter. Have a good look to see it is definitely seating the needle valve before any contact with the bush