81 cb750k no spark


CB750 Member
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So I've got new coils, plug wires, plugs aswell as new cdi boxes snd I still don't have spark. Tye battery is good and it cranks fine. Keep in mind I have the motor on a stand and am grounding everything to the battery. I'm perplexed at what else it could be? Any ideas greatly appreciated.
Have you verified you don't have spark by pulling the plug and grounding it against the engine while pressing the start button? Or are you saying you don't have spark because the bike isn't firing off?
Have you verified you don't have spark by pulling the plug and grounding it against the engine while pressing the start button? Or are you saying you don't have spark because the bike isn't firing off?
He doesn't have the engine in a bike, it is on a stand. That is why I was curious how he has everything wired up.
He doesn't have the engine in a bike, it is on a stand. That is why I was curious how he has everything wired up.
Not sure how the hell I missed that. Lol.
Gappinfoos, is your stator wired to the R/R, battery, etc.? Are all the electronics there? Is your kill switch wired correctly and in the run position?
So I got a harness for the bike and have the harness grounded aswell. I Bridge the igniton with a wire so the harness is hot and then I bridge a wire to the start and just tap the wire to get it to crank. So my coils, cdi, stator and everything is all on the same harness. Maybe I'm not grouding something? My sensors were bad so I disconnected those aswell and grounded them and that allowed me to crank the bike over.
What exactly are you "Bridging"? If you are using a bike harness are you using the bike kill switch? Are you using the ignition switch? Show us how you are doing this.
I don't have any keys or switches hooked up I just have a wire going from one of the pins to another one of the pins in on the clips that would plug into the ignition and start switch

I bridged the red and black wire to make the harness live with 12v then I grounded my sensors as one them was bad preventing me from turning the bike over. Then I bridged the black wire to the yellow and red wire on the red plug to get it to crank. Tye bike cranks through the harness but it doesn't have spark. I'm getting no spark to the plugs or the spark plug wires so no power to the coils potentially, these are new coils with new wires and caps. Any ideas?


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What does this green wire with the loop connector on it do? I thought it was a ground but the engine won't turn over when it's connected to ground. When it's connected to 12v hot thought the engine turns over.
Alright so I think I'm not getting spake because I'm not sending power to the cdi boxes from the ignition on off switch. This would be the I belive 9 pin red plug. So my question is which wire is responsible for sending power to the cdi boxes? Thanks