Thanks for your reply mate. I appreciate it as it's so hard to get info on this subject. Lots of people have done the xs tank thing but no one actually answers my questions lol.
It's looking really good. I'm waiting on my tank to arrive from the US. I'm finding it hard to source suppliers in the uk where did you get your clocks? And do they hook up to original wiring and speedo cable or is there some modification needed. Cheers jonny
The speedo is an Acewell and no, they dont hook up to the original wiring. I had to install a speed sensor into the front rotor (see pic) and I had to get a wiring diagram to hook everything else up. Acewell provides a diagram also so its just a matter of matching up what goes where. It wasnt too bad, just time consuming.
i love it!!!!! i just started the same build 4 days ago. great pics btw what are your thinking look wise in the end? a full tear down on mine to make it run first. keep the pics coming and good luck i wish had some advice for you
Aren't upside down forks kinda counterintuitive on a bike possibly intended to be off road? Easier to ding up the working section of the tubes.............