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  1. G

    Sticky Throttle when Caps tightened

    Update - and fixed! This really wasn't making much sense, as it was working perfectly with the old cables before I messed with it.. Ergo - I screwed something up.. AND.. I had.. The return cable at the throttle end had jumped off the nylon handle, which added friction and messed up the...
  2. G

    Sticky Throttle when Caps tightened

    Thanks guys.. I've re-routed the cables under the coils and through the frame to the carbs, and it is a little better.. I just tried putting a little pressure on the return spring, and the carbs snapped shut instantly. Reading here that the standard spring is a bit heavy for some people, I...
  3. G

    Sticky Throttle when Caps tightened

    Thanks for your reply... I'll give it a try, but I don't see how that explains the loose/tight slide caps?
  4. G

    Sticky Throttle when Caps tightened

    Hi.. recently bought a CB750K2 and going through it fixing up some bodgeyness previously inflicted.. Pulled the carbs and cleaned jets, bowls etc (Bowls were clean, 2 idle jets were partially blocked.) While balancing the carbs I noticed the throttle was sticking open, and needed a push to...
  5. G

    What did you do to your cb750 today???

    Did my first tune in MANY years :) Very happy with how it runs now, huge improvement...
  6. G

    What did you do to your cb750 today???

    Wow! Those look like they've done a few miles :) I pulled the bowls off mine, and they were good.. couple of idle jets were partially blocked, but easily fixed.. I'm sure with some TLC yours will come up great again!
  7. G

    What did you do to your cb750 today???

    Pulled the carbs off my 72 K2 to replace the inlet hoses.. what a b^&%d of a job!! They're back on, but not 100% happy, so thinking they'll come off again for a second try..
  8. G

    Petcock Butchery!

    Yes, I didn't phrase that well.. Bit strange...
  9. G

    Petcock Butchery!

    I recently bought a CB750K2 which was previously owned and maintained by a supposed Guru of all things CB750.. There was a bit of a leak from the petcock, so I replaced it with a new OEM item.. (no more leak!).. I was rather surprised though, to find the leaking item looked like this (see...
  10. G

    Nice to meet you! Let's be friends.

    Welcome! Love your bikes!
  11. G

    First bike tell me anything!

    Personally, after using/testing on racecars I wouldn't use foam filters on anything.. we found that they are NOT good at filtering fine particles at all, and have a tendency to distort under high revs/intake vacuum.
  12. G

    Hello from Dave in Encounter Bay, South Australia

    I was not aware, thank you!
  13. G

    Hello from Dave in Encounter Bay, South Australia

    Thanks for the welcome, and yes, some decent roads here, for sure, and not a whole lot of traffic :)
  14. G

    Hello from Dave in Encounter Bay, South Australia

    Hi, I'm Dave.. I retired last year, and moved away from Adelaide to beautiful Encounter Bay, South Australia, where I am fortunate in having a rather lovely view, which I stream from my balcony 24/7 : I had a 1972 K2 brand new when I was 16, and have been looking around for a while for a...