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  1. P

    1979 CB750k - Valve Clearance Clarification

    Hmm yeah this ones got about 18.5k miles. But had a refresh at 17.5k with new redone bottom end. Aside from new cam bearings and valve stem seals no other work to the heads though. I had a day this fall where the engine flooded with fuel due to bad float needle. Ran for about 30sec before I...
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    1979 CB750k - Valve Clearance Clarification

    Mostly that loose after adjustment using the combo of shims i had to bump the clearances up a bit, that's what i ended up with. I haven't run the motor yet but i did check cold compression (carbs off so no throttle) as part of my winter work and im getting pretty low compression on the...
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    1979 CB750k - Valve Clearance Clarification

    Hey All, Was curious to see, at what point is a valve clearance too loose? I've heard plenty that loose it better then tight, but curious to see what is too loose. I'm working on setting my valves and, with my current collection of shims, ive got 3 that are sitting at 0.007 and one that sits...
  4. P

    2-Wire LED Turn Signal Wiring

    Hello, I was hoping to get some advice in regards to a LED turn signal wiring. I have a 1980 CB750k. I’ve got some 2-wire LED turn signals wired in currently. They’ve got a red and black cable. For the left signal The red cable Is connected to the O cable (per below pictures). The O/W cable...
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    CB750 Brush Plate

    Hey all, Does anyone happen to have a alternator brush plate for sale? One of the brush holders cracker and it is not repairable. Absolutely nowhere to be found online either! Thanks
  6. P

    Did i pick the correct jets? (1980 cb750k)

    Hey all, I decided to get rid of my stock exhaust and changed it for a Delkevic 4-1 megaphone exhaust last summer. Of-course some rejetting was necessary so i went ahead and changed the main jets from 68/102 to 75/112. It seems to run pretty well except for two things, It's a bit boggy in the...
  7. P

    1980 CB750k Battery

    Thank you amc! Exactly the type of answer i was looking for. I will do what i can to get back to 12V 14AH. Cheers:D
  8. P

    1980 CB750k Battery

    It's less about the money (to some extent) and more about dimensions. I can pay 100+ if i can get it within my sizing parameters. Long story short I had a electrical box designed and its a tad bit small for my current 12V-14AH battery (damnit). I can't really get it redesigned anytime soon and...
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    1980 CB750k Battery

    Hey all, I've got a quick question regarding batteries. I was wondering how the DOHC would handle a 12V-10AH SLA battery? I understand the factory specs are 12V-14AH however the sizing of the 10AH battery just works much better for my build. This one specifically...
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    1980 CB750k Delkevic Exhaust

    Hmm, well it already comes wrapped with some of delkevic's packing, do you think the 4 stroke muffler packing would do a better job? Or is it all the same? It comes with
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    1980 CB750k Delkevic Exhaust

    Hey all, Back early in the summer I bought the Delkevic Megaphone Exhaust for my 1980 cb750k. Link below...
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    Alternative Kick-Stand Options for 1980 cb750k

    Hey all, I've been getting really annoyed with how low the bike sits when i put it on the side kick stand and was wondering if any of you have had experience with trying other kick stands so it stands at a higher, more comfortable position. I've read that the 1981 cb900f kick stand is directly...
  13. P

    1980 CB750k Stock Airbox. What connects to this knob?

    Do you also happen to know if this little box is really necessary? Would i feel any changes in the motorcyckle if i just plugged this knob up and got rid of the breather box under the battery? Thanks once again! Matt
  14. P

    1980 CB750k Stock Airbox. What connects to this knob?

    Exactly what i was looking for, Thanks :D
  15. P

    1980 CB750k Stock Airbox. What connects to this knob?

    Hey guys, as i was taking apart my cb750k carbs, i realized that the stock airbox has this knob sticking out of the back. It seems as if something should connect here but I have no idea what? Can you guys offer some help? My guess is that one of the breather box hoses connects to it? But i am...
  16. P

    1980 CB750k Weird Jetting & Idle issue

    Hey Amc, thanks for the response. Also thanks for the correction; we all have to learn somehow. I'll definitely not ride it until this gets figured out. I guess it turns out I've a lot to check up on. I've got a compression guage coming in this week, so I'll check that as soon as I can. I'll...
  17. P

    1980 CB750k Weird Jetting & Idle issue

    Hello fellow 750 lovers! As a background story, I purchased a 1980 cb750k back in march and ever since it's had some problems with idling. It'll start and idle for a minute and slowly die off. If i give it throttle it'll stay alive as long as i keep throttle on. Recently though, it's gotten...