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    12025 exhaust

    Just purchased 4 in 4 1979 Exhaust part number is Sankei 2025. Will those work on my 750K 1979 Walter
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    For Sale - 1979 Exhaust

    Where do you live. Are they in good shape. How much. Walter/Houston
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    Happy new year Fellow riders, I have a 1979 750K USA. I have a 4 into 1 exhaust and laud. I would love to have a 4 into 2 or the original. I other than that a quite 4 into 1. I rebuilt the carbs. Runs great small oil leak. Lots of power. Back to the exhaust. Anybody know where to find one of...
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    Almost done with project 1982 CB750C, looking for final elements/advice

    Hi, Sport wheels in Jordan, Mn will have the back rest and other parts. I got two Vetta Windjammers from them and radio mounts for my two 750 Walter/Houston
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    White smoke

    Ok, thanks. I have had those pipes off when I first purchased the bike to use steel wool to buff them up. Maybe not seated right. Thanks again Walter.Houston
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    Cuts out when put into gear

    Motorcycles should only start in neutral. If starts in neutral and pull in clutch and when shifting into 1st. Clutch is not fully engaged. Adjust screw at bottom by clutch cover Walter/Houston
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    White smoke

    Hello riders and fixers, Rebuilt carbs on ‘81 750k. Idle is good revs hang somewhat not real bad. Its rideable 65 has 5000 to 5500 rpms. I was waiting on someone with the bike on idle. Moving the black idle adjustment knob along with moving the pilot screws trying to get it just right. I noticed...
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    Thank you
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    To begin with can I change my screen name? To H-Town. Any way dud the 1979 Honda 750K come stock with a 4 into 2 or a 4 into 4. Walter
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    New here. Looking to buy a cb750 sohc.

    ‘after the ‘78 was stolen
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    New here. Looking to buy a cb750 sohc.

    Dime, had the ‘78in High School and an’82 K after the ‘78 is easy to work on. Has points for tune ups. Rear tire easy for and on. It had the kick starter so I still like that for if your battery goes down. I have a ‘79 & ‘81K now. I have been rebuilding carbs for two years now. People why two...
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    Hi all, I just put a new clutch in a 1981 750K. All worked find. Shifted good and all. I had a leak in the clutch cover. Took off, reassembled and would not shift to third. Now if I slightly touch the shift lever down it will then shift into 4th and do the same to get into fifth. Down shift...
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    Wanted - 1981 cb750k automatic petcock assembly

    Are you still looking for the 16970-462-772 Walter
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    For Sale - Stock Pipes '81 Custom

    Would you have part numbers on the exhaust Walter
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    Clutch for 1981

    Hey, RPM's ravs with slow speed-up. So, I need a new clutch. How much should I speed andf where should I purchase one David Silvers? Walter/Houston
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    DOHC Honda CB750 Manuals (1979-1983)

    On a 81 750k bike is running lean rpm’s hangs. Pilot is turned out 1.5 turns. Which way to turn to make rich Walter
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    81 Carbs

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    Looking for a sissy bar w/luggage rack

    Try sport wheel motorcycles in Jordan mn
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    81 Carbs

    Thanks for your help! I agree great bikes. Walter
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    81 Carbs

    leave this off and just turn the petcock off. Plug the vacuum port. Go. With gravity feed only
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    81 Carbs

    So, wher I have the clear hose is where this “T” connected gos
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    81 Carbs

    Thank you all for your feedback. Walter
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    For Sale - SOLD SOLD SOLD exhaust pipes for CB750 $500

    Ok because I purchased the ‘ 79 with the 4 to 1 and it is to load. I saw on eBay a four in two with baffles and just needed to know
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    For Sale - SOLD SOLD SOLD exhaust pipes for CB750 $500

    Could someone tell me if the 4 into 2 pipes are quite or loud?
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    Wanted - ISO 4-1 Exhaust for a 1993 Nighthawk

    Benz we are talking exhaust, would 79 cb900c fit. 79 cb750k. On the 79 I have a 4 to 1 I would like to go back to the four pipes or the 4 into 2. Walter
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    Thanks, I will make some all are the turns. I have came to red lights and the rpm’s are up. While handing the front brake release the clutch about half way and the rpm’s will adjust to ideal. I have no idea way. Would you, Walter
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    1979 750K rebuilt carbs all the way. It has a 4 into 1 muffler. Should the pilot screws be set at different turns or should the full throttle needle on top be set ay different heights? Righh now runs good at road speed. Will keep a high reb at right light. Habe to turn off and restart and...