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  1. J

    CB750FA Charging Issues

    It was a green and red (GR) wire that was going to the reg rec and I thought I’d try give it a constant power but it must of been something else and yea the green red also went to the diode which went to the ig switch so a lot of work to do…
  2. J

    CB750FA Charging Issues

    On a side note, blew the wiring loom doing some diy testing G/R to constant power wasn’t a good idea. so I’m going to replace the lot. Its already in bad shape. Anyone know what this is looks like a diode what’s it do?
  3. J

    CB750FA Charging Issues

    Thanks I’ll quad triple check the terminals although I’ve checked and cleaned them for corrosion, minimal corrosion as most of the parts are new including the starter solenoid . Might check the connections on that see if something is incorrect as it’s an after market starter solenoid / fuse...
  4. J

    CB750FA Charging Issues

    2000-5000 rpm nothing not even a bit of charge coming thru
  5. J

    CB750FA Charging Issues

    Yea they brand spanking I for go to mention, fresh from ricks. Whole new alternator setup. Brushes, brush holder, stator, rotor, and reg rec all replaced by ricks gear…
  6. J

    CB750FA Charging Issues

    Hey guys I’m desperate I’ve been searching everywhere. CB750FA 1980s having charging problems Ricks Stator installed Ricks Rotor installed And Ricks Reg Rec installed Battery is good. Still won’t charge I have no ideas what the fuck is going on, connections seem to be fine, black reads 12v...
  7. J

    Oil Leak Under Crankcase

    Thank you, do you know what the parts are? What the bolts are for?
  8. J

    Oil Leak Under Crankcase

    Please help I’ve been digging but can’t find info I need to know what these two bolts do / are or better off why are they leaking?? Can someone help??
  9. J

    Electrical System Values & Testing. 750 DOHC

    Good source of information, talks a lot of shit but pretty solid info. <--
  10. J

    Electrical System Values & Testing. 750 DOHC

    CB750F-A 1980 Stator Windings Resistance Readings. A-B 1.3 Ohms (Bad) A-C 0.3 Ohms (Bad) C-B 0.5 Ohms (Good) I need values from 0.41 Ohms to 0.5 Ohms. At 3000RPM Windings AB & C all consistently read values of 0.2VAC. The Regulator Rectifier had no output value. Rotor Rings read 0 Ohms and...
  11. J

    Electrical System Values & Testing. 750 DOHC

    Making this new thread as a new member but I'm struggling to find the details when it comes to the charging system and I've found it! But thought many others would have issues finding the information. This reads from the manual! Alternator - Three-Phase Output - 260W at 5000RPM (18Amps min at...