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    • M
      Massoud replied to the thread Gas leak.
      Please advise
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      Massoud replied to the thread Gas leak.
      Thanks for the information, the gas is coming out from the clear tube not the black tubes. The floats are in good condition. I have...
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      Massoud replied to the thread Gas leak.
      Hi, Can you tell me exactly how it work? why is is purring gas?
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      Massoud replied to the thread Gas leak.
      Hi Exponent Please let me know what it’s all about, Why is this happening and how I can get rid of the problem. Thank you
    • M
      Hi everyone I have a problem After cleaning my carburetors and installing them I am getting gas leak from this pipe Please help
      • FC60F537-0C04-43D2-9C2B-3D9E6713FAB2.jpeg
      • E5CA0F37-C8CA-479E-A88C-93FF9E652365.jpeg
      • 031AEE4F-24B3-48BF-96EC-DCF5533E276F.jpeg
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